2.which of the following tells about the magnitude of an earthquake? a.depth of focus b.duration of shaking c.distance of epicenter d.amount of energy released 3.your family is going to evacuate. you are told to bring only few things. which of these will you bring? a.pets,toys,and books b.food,water, and clothes c.chairs, tables, and closets d.candles,rags and matches 4.which is formed when molten rock or magma finds its way and pressure acts on the rocks beneath the surface of the earth? a.mountain b.plateau c.valley d.volcano 5.which of the following planets has the hottest surface temperature? a.earth b.mars c mercury d.venus 6.which description about each planet is incorrect? a.earth-the blue planet b.mars-the red planet c.mercury-the hottest planet d.venust-earths twin planet 7.which is a common characteristics of all in the planets in the solar system? all of them_________. a.have rings b.can sustain life c.have atmosphere d.revolve around the sun 8.why do winds deflect to the rigth in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere? a.the winds is light b.the winds has strong force c.the earth revolves around the sun d.the earth rotates from west to east 9.why do you think our country experience the season from June to November? beacouse or the ________________. a.ocean currents b.northeast monsoon c.southwest monsoon d.inter topical convergence zone 10.what are the two seasons in the philippines? a.dry and winter b.summer and fall c.wet and dry d.winter and summer