A. Informative B. Human Interest C. News Feature D. Personal Experience E. Career Feature F. Business Feature G. Personality Sketch H. Humorous 1. Travelogue 1. How-To K. Insider L Hobby 11. It gets its materials from current events, covering details that were omitted by the news. 12. This tells of some unusual true-to-life experiences written in the first person account. 13. It showcases step-by-step procedure in doing something 14. It is an account of one's experience from a trip and vivid description of places visited 15. This gives information on subject of current interest, usually based on interview and research 16. This appeals to the emotion; it may have a lesser news value, but it enjoys wide readership. 17. Focuses on unusual details or "well-kept-secrets" or exclusives 18. Also known as profile feature, it showcases the characteristics of a typical or a famous person. 19 Needs a working knowledge and special interest on the business community 20. This type of feature primarily interests the readers who are into exceptional pastime or leisure.