TRUE OR FALSE. Read the following statements. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and

FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Use the separate answer sheet in answering.
1. Vesak refers to the lunar month that falls in May and "Vesak Day" is the holiest day
for all Buddhists.
2. In Buddhism, stupas are commemorative monuments that contain sacred relics
associated with Siddhartha himself, and the monks and nuns.
3. To be accepted into the sangha, one should at least have taken refuge in
4. In Pali language, the word pitaka translates as bag referring to the receptacles
where the palm leaf manuscripts were stored by the monks.
5. The First Basket (Sutta Pitaka) contains the conventional teaching delivered by
Siddhartha on different occasions.
6. The Second Basket (Vinaya Pitaka) is work on moral psychology.
7. The Third Basket (Abhidhamma Pitaka), contains the disciplinary code required of
Buddhist monks (bhikkhus) and nuns (bhikkhunis).
8. Human existence or what we call soul, is a composite of six mental or physical
aggregates or khandas.
9. Siddhartha analyzed the problem of dukkha that led him to arrive to the basic law
of causation or the "Four Noble Truths."
10. Karma means law of cause and effect.​