A Directions Read the following para traphs and identify the text type of each.
Adrink may be dassified according to whether or not ir contains alcohol. Therefore,
basically, there are two types of drinks alcoholic and non alcoholoue. Alcoholic drinks are spirits,
wiae, beer. Non alcoholic drinks maybe subdivided into hot drinks and cold drink. Mot drinks are
drinks like tea and coffee.
Plants use the eargy from sunlight to turn carbon dioxide (present in alr) and water into
sugar for food. This process is called photosynthesis. The green color of the leaves, caled
chlorophyll helps tham to make food for the plant
She unpacked her suitcase -- her hairbrush and toothbrush, her bathrobe and slippers, her
jeans and shorts, dresses and blouses, socks and sneakers, IPod and computer, books and papers
as if she would be staying forever,
Last summer, my family went on vacation to an amusement park. As soon as we arrived,
headed for the long line at the roller coaster. After severalrides, my parents convinced me to see a
show. Before lunch, I rode on a water ride and got soaking wet. Finally, It was time to head back to
the hotel. The next day, I was the first in line for the roller coaster
How does rain happen? The sun heats the ocean Ocena water evaporates and rises into
the air. The water vapor cools and condenses to become droplets, which form clouds. It enough
water condenses, the drops become heavy enough to fall to the ground as rain and snow. Some rain
collects in groundwells. The rest flows through rivres back into the ocean.
Directions: Read the text below. Complete the graphic organizer below to show the order of events or
steps in the paragraph
To prepare fluppy scrambled eggs, complete the following steps. First, carefully break the
erg in a bowl and add a splash of milk. Whisk the egg and milk mixture unitl, the egg yolk, egg white
and milk are completely blended. Then pour this mixture into a preheated skillet and constantly stir
the mixture with a spatula. Finally, remove the egs from the pan when it appears to be cooked