2. The rays make it possible for us to see objects. a. light b. sun C. energy d. moon 3. A fertilized egg is called __? a. cell b. zygote c. organ d. tissue 4. It is releases one mature egg every 28 days. a. Ovum b. eggcells c. ovary d. vagina 5. A pair of pea sized exocrine gland located interior to the prostate and anterior to a. Cowper's gland b. prostate c. penis d. urethra 6. It is an 8 - 10 inch long muscular tube. It passes through the prostate ends at the urethra orifice. a. Penis b. Urethra c. Seminal Vesicle d. Male Sex 7. A walnut - sized exocrine gland tha is found at the interior end of the bladder a a. Urethra b. Prostate gland c. Scrotum d.Tissue _8.The male reproductive organ.It is an oval-shaped organ about 4-5 inches long a. Testes b.Penis c. Scrotum d. Male sex hd 9. The testes also produces a primary male sex hormone is called ? a. Progesterone b. Testosterone c. Hormones d. Estrogen 10. Which contains billions of sperms is ejaculated at the end of the penis during a. Egg cell b. Organ C. semen d. Tissue 1. Are pair of lumpy exocrine gland about two inches in length located posteri anterior to the rectum. a. Seminal vesicle b. Testes c. Cell d. Semen it is ine key to procreation and survival of the human race. It deals with th a. Human Reproductive System b. Respiratory System c. Skeletal Sys Commonly known as the womb ,the uterus looks like an upside down pea a. womb b. uterus C. vagina d. causes the secretion of large amount of progesterone. It also release es . Menstrual cycle b. Corpus luteum c. LH or Lutinizing hormo e upper corner of the uterus is the fallopian tube or the oviduct which fallopian tube b. vagina c. uterus no s responsible for some changes in the female reproductive system in Estrogen b. progesterone female external sexual organ - used during intercourse. It is cylind e. agina b. penis c. male reproductives monthly flow of blood from the female is called? enstruation b. ovulation c. pregnancy omnlete cycle of changes that occur in tho fomalo C. FSH