1. It is the thinnest layer of the
2. It is about 2800 km thick and is
made up of high-density silicate
C. core
D. earth
E. inner core
F. lithosphere
G. mantle
3. It is made up of molten iron and
nickel mixture.
4. It is very hot end very dense
center of our planet.
5. It is made up of solid iron.
6. It is made up of air, water and
solid ground.
7. The crust that is only 8 kilometers
thick under the ocean.
H. oceanic crust
I. outer core
J. plates
K. planets
8. The crust that is about 40
kilometers thick under the
9. It is the rocky outer part of the
10. The crust of the Earth that is
broken into many pieces.​

1 It Is The Thinnest Layer Of TheEarth2 It Is About 2800 Km Thick And Ismade Up Of Highdensity SilicaterocksC CoreD EarthE Inner CoreF LithosphereG Mantle3 It I class=