Complete the statement below by choosing the correct answers from t iven choices in the box. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. counterclockwise destruction of properties flashfloods Intertropical Convergence Zone landslides monsoons thunderstorm tornado tropical cyclone typhoon I have learned that the different weather disturbances in the Philippin include (1) Tornado (4) thunderstorm and (5) ___ landslides (2) Zyphoon (3)_flashfloods I also learned that a tropical cyclone is a weather disturban characterized by a large whirling mass of air moving in a (6) direction. A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained surface winds of le than 62 km/hour is called tropical depression. When the wind reaches 6. 117 km/hour, it becomes a tropical storm. When the wind reaches more the 118 km/hour and above, it becomes a (7) Lastly, I was able to identify the destructive effects of typhoon whic include floods, (8) erosion, (9) (10) To minimize the destructive effects of the typhoo: We must be alert to typhoon signals and observe the necessary precautions ar