Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in your
Activity notebook.

1.If the moon started its orbit from a spot exactly between the Earth and the sun; how many days would it take for it to return at almost the same spot?
a.27 ½ days c. 27 days
b.29 ½ days d. 28 days
2.If the moon appears to move completely around the celestial sphere once in about 27.3 days as observed from the Earth. What do you call this month?
a.Sidereal month c. Celestial month
b.Synodic month d. Spheric month
3.When the moon started its orbit around the earth from a spot in line with a certain star; how many days would it take for it to return to the same spot?
a.27 ½ days c. 27 days
b. 29 ½ days d. 28 days
4.What do you call the period wherein the moon has changed from one new moon phase to the next new moon phase.
a.Sidereal month c. Celestial month
b.Synodic month d. Spheric month
5.How many days does it take from full moon phase to last quarter phase?
a. 9 days c. 8 days
b. 12 days d. 4 days​