Processing Questions:

1.How many children did Adam had?

2.Where did they get their wife?

3.Are you familiar with Seth?

4.What are three important events that happened before the

5.time of Abraham​

Processing Questions1How Many Children Did Adam Had2Where Did They Get Their Wife3Are You Familiar With Seth4What Are Three Important Events That Happened Befor class=

Sagot :


1.How many children did Adam had?

2.Where did they get their wife?

3.Are you familiar with Seth?

4.What are three important events that happened before the.

5.time of Abraham


  1. he had 3 children including Seth
  2. from the beginning.
  3. Yes
  4. it was the beginning, the flood, and the tower of B4bel.
  5. Abraham had 2 children and two wives, his children's names are ishmael son of Hagar and Isaac son of Sarah.
