DIRECTIONS: Read the sample book review below and complete the matrix with information about the text.

Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Climate Change and Natural Disasters

By Yingigba Akenyemi

Climate change is increasingly of great concern to the world community. The earth has witnessed the build-up of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere changes in biodiversity, and more occurrences of natural disasters. Recently, scientists have begun to shift their emphasis away from curbing carbon dioxide emission to adapting to carbon dioxide emission. The increase in natural disasters around the world is unprecedented in earth’s history and these disasters are often associated to climate changes. Many nations along the coastal lines are threatened by massive floods and tsunamis. Earthquakes are increasing in intensity and erosion and droughts are problems in many parts of the developing countries. This book is therefore to investigate ways to prepare and effectively manage these disasters and possibly reduce their impacts. The book takes an in-depth look at climate change and its association to socio-economic development and cultures especially in vulnerable communities; and investigates how communities can develop resilience to disasters. A balanced and a multiple perspective approach to manage the risks associated with natural disasters is offered by engaging authors from the entire world to proffer solutions (Worldscientific, 2020).

A. Main Idea:________________________

B. Purpose:__________________________

C. Evaluation of the Text :______________

Answer the following questions and write them on a sheet of paper:

1. What skills did you apply in the activity? 2. How were you able to come up with responses needed for the activity?

Sagot :



- More extreme weather events in future are likely to increase the number and scale of disasters, while at the same time, the existing methods and tools of disaster risk reduction.


- It gives a historical perspective and identifies some of the recent natural disasters that have occured. Identifies the phases of managing disaster risk assessment, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction.


- Climate change and disaster risk reduction are closely linked. More extreme weather events in future are likely to increase the number and scale of disasters, while at the same time, the existing methods and tools of disaster risk reduction provide powerful capacities for adaption to climate change.


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