Reflection about PHILIPPINE BALLET​

Sagot :


By portraying relative matters, scenarios, and old classics to give tribute to some of the greatest forms of art as perceived by the country.

The Philippine Opera started in the 19th century where there was a rise to musical and performing upgrades. Musical instruments, opera singers and such became prominent. Through portraying various scenarios and performance relating much more on the tragedy side such as:

  • Romance
  • Deceptive elements
  • Sensitivity and limits of a human
  • Feud/ Blood Feud



Ballet Philippines’ Opera was truly an aesthetic collaboration that made the senses explode.

The dance was a personification of the haunting charm of the sculptures, all the while capturing the dynamism of human emotions. The sculptures, in themselves, are already expressive. However, being in the production added more meaning to them because they became part of something more – a bigger picture. They became part of a very rich storyline.