Supply the needed data to make a sample of an incident report in a nursery operation. Suppose that accident happened while the worker is trimming grasses using a grass shear accident happened while the worker is trimming grasses using a grass shear and you are task to make an incident report. write the answers in your answer in yours answer sheet. of affected individual :_ 2.Address/Location:________ 3. Date of incidence:______ 4.Time of incident:________ 5.Type the incident:_______ 6. Narrative description of the incident:________ 7. Injuries(if any) _______ 8.Treatment required (if any) :_ 9.witness name(s):________ 10. witness statements:______ ​

Sagot :


Ryan J. Morales, lives in Naguilian La Union. 3:00 pm . cut his foot.According to him, he is focusing in his work when grass shear accidentaly hit his foot. He's not using boots. Thankfully, his foot got a small wound. He just cleanse it with running water and put band aid.his daughter saw the incident beacause she's watching her father.according to her daughter she call her father thats why he hit his foot.