Sagot :
what is your personal experience of moral dillemma?
》》》A good answer calls for some stipulation. I’m going to suggest that we count something as a moral dilemma not just when we aren’t sure what the right thing to do is, but when there are two incompatible courses of action open to us, it’s impossible to do both, and yet no matter which we pick, we’ll have reason for regret. Roughly: we seem obliged to do X, we seem obliged to do Y, and we can’t possibly do both X and Y.
If that’s what we mean, then thankfully I haven’t had to face much in the way of deep moral dilemmas. But there’s no doubt that people really do; life sometimes makes for terrible choices. As for what the hardest one are, I’d caution against generalizations. If “hardest” means “most emotionally wrenching,” then a lot will depend on the person. If “hardest” means “most consequential,” then a lot will depend on the circumstances.