Module 2
Estimating Differences
Let's take a brief review.
Activity 1
Subtract the following.
1. 8537 2. 7642
3 154 - 4 321
3. 9 752
4. 6430
5. 762
- 6731
Do you remember your previous lesson on estimating
the sum?
We know that a certain problem is about ating when
the following key words appear about, estimate and
The process on estimating the difference is the same process
on estimating the sum. The process differs only on the operation
being used.
In estimating sums, we follow the steps below.
Step 1. Round off the addends to the hundreds place.
Step 2. Add the rounded off numbers.
This time, to estimate the difference let us follow same steps
put change the operation in Step 2 from add to subtract.
Can you do that?
Let us see how will you do it by performing the next activity.​