List five examples of mental health problems and explain what is it.

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Depression has been described as “the blues” or “feeling sad” or “down in the dumps”. Most people today can give a general definition of depression. And many people have experienced some form of depression, which can range from mild to severe.

Some types of depression can be situational and short term, like grieving the loss of a loved one, and other types can be long-term and disabling.


The National Institute of Mental Health describes anxiety as worry or fears that do not go away and begin to interfere with daily activities such as work. There are several types of anxiety disorders but generalized anxiety disorder seems to be the most common. Symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include having a hard time concentrating, feeling tired, irritability, rapid heartbeat and feeling shaky.

3.Eating Disorders

Eating disorders can start in childhood or in adulthood.

They can be caused by many different events, from being teased if they are overweight or underweight, verbal or physical abuse, or even by having a distorted perception of themselves.

Eating disorders involve extreme emotions, behaviors and attitudes surrounding food, weight and body image issues. Examples of eating disorders include anorexia, bulimia,

4.Substance Abuse

Substance abuse or addiction is best described as people engaging in pleasurable activities such as gambling, drinking, using drugs to the point where the substance or activity has a negative impact on personal relationships and work activities.

5.Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD)

Pacing, rocking, staring out the window, or disrupting others trying to complete tasks. Ask any teacher and they will be able to relate these and other symptoms that are quite evident among their students diagnosed with attention deficit disorders of any kind. Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are considered to be neurobehavioral disorders that can begin in childhood but that do not only affect children. There are many adults struggling with either ADD or ADHD. ADD symptoms include not being able to focus or pay attention, feeling restless, and is easily distracted. ADHD symptoms are very similar to ADD but with an added inability for the person to control their urge to move around and impulsiveness

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