U. Move the vehicle to any direction
Hl. Transformation of Energy: Read the question carefully. Write the letter of your answer on the blank.
1. What formed of energy is produced by plucking the strings of a guitar?
A. Sound Energy B. Heat Energy C. Light Energy D. Electrical Energy
2. The energy produced by vibrating object is
A. Sound Energy B. Heat Energy C. Light Energy D. Electrical Energy
3. When food or liquids become hot, their molecules absorb energy, begin vibrating rapidly and start to bounce off each other. As they
collide, energy is produced and transferred, which warms and cooks our food. What form of energy is described?
A Sound Energy B. Heat Energy C. Light Energy D. Electrical Energy
4. If we burn a sheet of paper, energy is given off which we see as flame or describe as a
A. Sound Energy B. Heat Energy C. Light Energy D. Electrical Energy
5. When heat is released from fuel and boils the water to make steam, it turns the turbine which turns the generator. This will produce
A. Sound Energy B. Heat Energy C. Light Energy D. Electrical Energy
6. Which energy transformation occurs in an electric iron?
A. Heat to Light
B. Light to Heat
C. Heat to Electricity D. Electricity to Heat
7. Rubbing two pieces of wood together can produce heat and later turn into another form of energy
A. Sound Energy B. Heat Energy C. Light Energy D. Electrical Energy
8. Many appliances you see every day change Electrical energy into other forms. When you use a toaster to toast bread, electrical energy is
changed to and
C. Heat and Light
D. Heat and Nuclear
A. Heat and Sound
B. Light and Sound
9. When you lighted a lamp or candle, the chemical energy of the lamp is changed into light energy, and at the same time it can produce
C. Electricity D. Chemical
A. Heat
B. Sound
10. When you plugged a transistor radio in an electrical outlet and switch on the power button, automatically the electrical energy is turned
C. Light Energy D. Radiant Energy
A. Heat Energy B. Sound Energy​