True or false 1. Garnishes can provide complementary flavor. 2. Portion is a standard amount used to help give advice about how much to eat. 3. Chicken meat shrinks about 50% when cooked. 4. Plating is the act of arranging the meal on the individual plate immediately before it's served. 5. A chicken breast is generally 5-6 ounces. 6. The way food looks on the plate is the most commonly ignored facet of cooking at home. 7. A 9 ounce steak will yield about 10 ounces of cooked meat. 8. A chicken thigh is usually 4 ounces while a leg is 2-3 ounces. 9. Chicken wings are high in fat. 10. The key to selecting a garnish is picking a garnish that will improve the dish.