14. The children get bored, board) during the lecture.
15. Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigues like to work in there, they're their) garden.
26. Alex is going to wear, ware his work boots today
17. Do you think it is going to rein, rain, reign) this afternoon?
18. I saw a restaurant just off the frode, road) about a mile back.
19 David's brother is in a band, banned) which plays Russian my
20. Juana wants her socks because her ftows, toes) are cold.
21. The teacher walked down the aiste, isle) between the rows of a
22. Hada has a pane, pain) in her shoulder​

Sagot :


15. The Children get bored during the lecture.

  • a sense of exhaustion and dissatisfaction stemming from a lack of interest in something

16. Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigues like to work in their garden.

  • belonging to or associated with the previously described people or objects, or easily identifiable.

17. Do you think it is going to rain this afternoon?

  • Rain is liquid water that has collected from ambient water vapor in the form of droplets.

18. I saw a restaurant just off the road about a mile back.

  • is a land-based thoroughfare, lane, or path that has been paved or otherwise improved to allow pedestrian or vehicular travel between two points.

19. David's brother is in a band which plays Russian.

  • is a group of people who perform instrumental or vocal music

20. Juana wants her socks because her toes are cold.

  • Toes are the digits of the foot

21. The teacher walked down the aisle between the rows.

  • is a passageway

22. Hada has a pain in her shoulder​.

  • unpleasant sensation