1. Multiple Chsice: Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided. Use only this paper as your
answer sheet.
1. It is a method that has the aim of extending knowledge, undertaking doubt, or solving a problem.
a. Inquiry
b. Research
c. Citation
2. It is an analytical tool with several variations and contexts that can be applied in different categories of work
where an overall picture is needed in order to come up with the desired goal.
a. significance of the study b. conceptual framework C. scope and delimitation of the study
3. It is vital to all research endeavors, whether qualitative or quantitative, exploratory or explanatory.
a. significance of the study b. Research Hypothesis c. Glossary of Research Terms
4. It provides information to the reader on how the study will contribute.
a. significance of the study b. conceptual framework C. scope and delimitation of the study
5. It is intended to assist you in understanding commonly used terms and concepts when reading interpreting,
and evaluating scholarly research in the social sciences
a. Conceptual Definition b. Glossary of Research Terms c. Operational Definition
6. It refers to the dictionary meaning.
a. Conceptual Definitionb. Glossary of Research Terms c. Operational Definition
7. It is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data; documentation of critical information;
and analysis and interpretation of that data/information.
a. Inquiry
b. Research
C. Citation
8. It is a publications or writings wherein a researcher reports the results of their own studies.
a. Secondary source
b. Primary source
c. Review of Related Literatures
9. It is a publications or writings wherein a certain author describes the work of another author
a. Secondary source
b. Primary source
c. Review of Related Literatures
10. It is defined as an extraction of information and discussion from one or more relevant literatures.
a. In - Text citation
b. Referencing List
c. Synthesis
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11. It gives an overview of all the writings relative to a specific topic.
a. Secondary source
b. Primary source
c. Review of Related Literatures
12. It is defined as a means of informing your readers that a certain information came from a specific source.
a. Inquiry
b. Research
c. Citation
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13. It is a technique that basically includes presenting the thesis and supporting it with reasons why it is
factual. a. Processing
b. Compare and Contrast c. Two Reasons
14. It refers to all of the citations that can be found in all of the chapters in your research paper.
a. In-Text citation
b. Referencing List
C. Synthesis
15. It is a source that is commonly composes information about the history.
a. Relics
b. Documents
c. Summary
16. It refers to the bibliography and/or references of your research paper.
ne tritical infonn an
a. In - Text citation
b. Referencing List
C. Synthesis
17. It sets borders and limitations of the problem inquiry and narrows down the scope of the inquiry.
a. significance of the study b. conceptual framework C. scope and delimitation of the study
18. It deals with presenting the information through explanations and descriptions, and presents it in an
objective manner.
ated iteratures
a. Explanatory Synthesis b. Argument Synthesis C. Synthesis
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19. It enables a researcher to present his/her in point of view from a certain topic in a logical manner.
a. Explanatory Synthesis b. Argument Synthesis C. Synthesis
_20. It is the simplest way of organizing a synthesis.
b. Documents
a. Relics
c. Summary
21. These are sources that include those materials that are written or printed such as books, reports etc.
a. Documents
b. Numerical Records
c. Oral Statements
_22. This source is considered as a subcategory of documents.
a. Documents
b. Numerical Records
c. Oral Statements
23. Stories, myths, legends, songs and other form of oral data composes this type of source.
a. Documents
b. Numerical Records
c. Oral Statements
24. It is a technique in which you are going to show the similarities and differences of two or more data.
a. Processing
b. Compare and Contrast c. Two Reasons
_25. It is the meaning of the concept or terms as used in a particular study
a. Conceptual Definition b. Glossary of Research Terms c. Operational Definition
et 30

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