Directions: Unscramble the words related to achieving cohesion in a paragraph/speech. Be guided with the meaning of the words provided. Fill in the blanks with the letters to complete what is referred to. Put your answers on the blanks provided for you below. 1. CLINGRLOHOCOA DROER = consecutive arrangement 2. KINLING SWORD = connecting words 3. CHORENCEE = achieved when sentences and ideas are connected and flow 4. TINYU 5. COIRONATONID 6. STAINRIONT DROWS = oneness = is the balanced relationships between words or group of words. = also called linking or connecting words, are used to link together different ideas in your text. = a written composition that consists of one or more sentences dealing with one idea = focus sentence = provide information to clarify. prove, or explain the main idea = words or phrases used to connect 7. PHARPARAG 8. POCIT TENSENEC 9. PORTSUPING SETLAID 10. CHOVISEE SEVICED