I. Directions: Before you can proceed, first, you need to answer the review test below. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, if not, write FALSE on the space provided. __1. Basic research is used to answer a specific question that has a direct application to the world.
__2. Research is the study of our methods of acquiring knowledge.
__3. Research is not replicable.
__4. Action research is the application of theory to the solution of problems.
__5. The two types of quantitative research are descriptive and explanatory.
__6. Ethnography is the form of qualitative research that focuses on describing the culture of a group of people.
__7. Research usually uses quantitative or qualitative methodological approach to gather the data.
__8. Quantitative method of research is the only method of research that can truly test hypotheses concerning cause and effect relationships.
__9. Research promotes the aims of obtaining knowledge, truth and avoidance of error, for example, prohibition against fabricating, falsifying or misrepresenting issues.
__10. Applied research is concerned with immediate solutions of local problems through the application of scientific method.