WRITTEN ACTIVITY 2: Activity 2: TRUE/FALSE: Direction: Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is false. 1. Stress is what you feel when you react to pressure, either from the outside world or from yourself. 2. Distress refers to a negative reaction of the body from a stressor. 3. Eustress refers to a positive and healthy response of the body from a stressor. 4. Stressor refers to the things that make a person stressed. 5. Reframing is changing your outlook in order to see a situation in a positive way. 6. General Adaptation Syndrome refers to the changes in our body when we experienced a stressful situation. 7. Alarm Stage when the body has already responded to the stressor. 8. Resistance Stage when a person slowly loses the energy to manage stress. 9. Exhaustion Stage when a person experience fight or flight feeling. 10. Health is most often being related solely the physical well-being of an individual.