A Technology-driven Art
Cinema, just as all modern arts, has been greatly influenced by technology. In
the case of cinema, however, it is an art form that came into being because of technological
advances. The transition from still photography came in the late 1800s with -series photographyll
and the invention of celluloid strip film. This allowed successive still photos of a moving subject to
be captured on a strip of film advancing through a single camera. This was the seed of the highly-
advanced film medium we enjoy today.The need to view these moving images led to the rise of the
Kinetoscope, a peepshow cabinet with an eyehole through which these earliest-moviesll could be
viewed one person at a time. A motor inside the cabinet moved the film strip along in a loop, with an
electric bulb providing illumination from beneath. In the meantime, European and Amencan
inventors were providing one technological advancement after another. The French developed the
"cinematographe," a hand-cranked camera, printer, and projector all in one that was lightweight
enough to bring outside the studio. By 1901, the earliest motion pictures were rapidly progressing
from one-scene, studio films to multiple-scene narratives filmed outdoors. Driven by these and many
more advances, the art aspect of filmmaking was born.
Activity 1. Directions: With the same movie you watched and reviewed, identify now the different
scenarios of the film by writing on each of the boxes.