Activity 1.2
Write on a sheet of paper a topic you are most interested to explore. Enumerate
at least three ways on how you will look for the information and data needed about
the chosen topic. Share important information that you would like to probe on the
chosen subject. For example, the topic is gender inequality among TVL (Technical
Vocational Technology) learners. What are you interested most? Is it the difference
in quantity of work? Is it the difference in quality of work? Alternatively, is it the type
of PPE (Personal Protective equipment)?​

Sagot :



—I absolutely adore learning about other cultures. It is one of the best things to talk about. I love knowing about a country’s traditional clothing, food and language. What I really love the most is that people suddenly light up when they're asked about their background. It is said in a manner of interest, rather than hate that is spread so easily nowadays. It is important to embrace cultures and for people to be proud of it (within limits of course) and the reaction that I get when I ask is always what gives me the biggest satisfaction.