write the function of the following tools and materials. tweezer, flashlight, multitester side cutting pliers, phillips screwdriver

Sagot :


tweezer - Tweezers are small tools used for picking up objects too small to be easily handled with the human fingers. The tool is most likely derived from tongs, pincers, or scissors-like pliers used to grab or hold hot objects since the dawn of recorded history.

flashlight - Flashlights are used as a light source outdoors, in places without permanently installed lighting, during power outages or when a portable light source is needed.

multimeter side cutting pliers - Side cutters are used to cut wire and the leads (or legs) of components in electronics. They can also be used to strip the insulation from wire.

phillips screwdriver - A newer variation of the flat blade screwdriver uses a cross drive system and is commonly called a "Phillips head screwdriver." These screwdrivers have a 123-degree point with a blunted tip and tapered cross-shaped blade tip that provides self-centering on the screw and is designed to prevent over-tightening of the screw.
