1. (Outlining, Sketching, Shading) is a type of drawing that is done completely freehand 2. (Outlining, Sketching, Shading) can make a drawing appear three dimensional 3. (Outlining, Sketching, Shading) refers to a drawing or sketch which employs a single indivisible contour to describe its subject. 4.In hatching, the lines are drawn in (same, opposite, cross) direction, 5. Leaving more space between lines when applying hatching will result in (darker, lighter, black and white) values 6.In (blending, cross-hatching, rendering) the density at which the lines cross over each other determines the value that is produced 7. The technique which is typically used together with blending is called (rendering, random lines, stippling). 8. Stippling uses countless small (dots, dash, stars) to build up darker values in a drawing 9. Rendering includes the use of (eraser, pen, water) to remove the medium to produce lighter values. 10. (Rendering, Random lines, Stippling) involves the loose application of crossing lines