the telephone by edward field true or false

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 1. Learning Competency Analyze literature as means of connecting to the world2. Topic 1 By: Edward Field3. My happiness depends on an electric appliance And I do not mind giving it so much credit With life in this city being what it is Each person separated from friends By a tangle of subways and buses Yes my telephone is my joy It tells me that I am in the world and wanted It rings and I am alerted to love or gossip I go comb my hair which begins to sparkle Without it I was like a bear in a cave4. Drowsing through a shadowy winter It rings and springs has come I stretch and amble out into the sunshine Hungry again as I pick up the receiver For the human voice and the good news of friends5. VOCABULARY 1.Amble- slow walk 2.Drowsing- sleeping 3.Credit- appreciation6. About the Author EDWARD FIELD - Was born on June 7, 1924 in Brooklyn New York - An American writer and poet - Received a Lamont Poetry Prize7. The Telephone The poem is a commentary on the invention of telephone. It is taken from “Counting Myself Lucky”, a compilation of Field’s poem. The theme is self-identity or happiness The narrator explains how the telephone made him feel connected to others, how it give him pleasure to share gossips.8. The predominant feeling of the speaker in the poem is serious in his declaration that telephone is the source of his happiness. According to the speaker, friends are disconnected because of distance. The speaker justifies his joy of having a telephone by stating his reasons such as it makes him feel connected to the world, and it gives him pleasure.9. The speaker compare man’s situation before the advent of the telephone to a bear. People nowadays value telephone or cellphones. The literary device used is simile. (man’s situation to a bear) The speaker is hunger for love and gossip.