A. Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is the ratio of lean tissue to fat tissue in the body.
A. Body composition
C. Power
B. Flexibility
D. Endurance
2. Who was the first woman to performed the Itik-itik dance?
A. Maria Clara
C Lisa Macuja-Elizalde
B. Kanang
D. Francisca Reyes-Aquino
3. It is the ability to bend and move joints through a full range of motion.
A. Speed
C. Muscular endurance
B. Body composition
D. Flexibility
4. In what province does the indigenous dance "Itik-itik" originated?
A. Province of Rizal
C. Province of Surigao
B. Province of Palawan
D. Province of Bukidnon
5. It is the ability of the muscles to continue to perform without fatigue
A. Body composition
C. Muscular endurance
B. Flexibility
D. Speed