which do you prefer-stage plays or movies? why?​

Sagot :


i'd rather not have to choose between them, and have both If I had to choose, I'd probably say film, because film can offer a scale that theatre cannot.

If I had to choose, I'd probably say theatre, because theatre can offer an intimacy that film cannot.

I love them both. But, I must say that when I have seen a story told via both film and theatre, almost uniformly I'd say the theatrical experience had more impact.

Last summer, for example, I saw Aaron Sorkin's A Few Good Men in the theatre. I'd seen the film back in 1993 and enjoyed it. But seeing it in a live theatre was more. The same weekend I decided to watch the film again. I still enjoyed it. Tom Cruise gave a good performance. Jack Nicholson was great. But it wasn't as real as seeing it in the theatre.


base on my research