A good product packaging can attract customers

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How Does Packaging Affect Consumers?

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Consumers & Marketing


Chron Contributor

Updated December 01, 2020

Packaging is a key part of the marketing plan for any business that makes or sells products. The influence of product packaging on purchase decisions necessitates attention to detail and a sense of brand image. It is critical in retail sales, where the right packaging design can attract the consumer's eye and make the product stand out next to a rack of the competitor's product.

Consider Consumer Behavior

Don't underestimate the impact of product packaging on consumer buying behavior. Color is often used in packaging to attract attention, but colors also must be taken in the context of the product’s marketing goals. For example, children’s cereal packaging has many bright colors that attract their eyes; health-focused cereals will have more whites and pastels to project a softer, more adult image. Brands with strong color patterns should incorporate them into the packaging design.

Branded Packaging is Impactful

Customers will associate a brand’s image with how its product is packaged. Technology products often come in sleek and unique packaging to reinforce the image of innovation that the company’s brand aims to project. Beverages may have unique bottle designs and the packaging for a food product could feature a design that makes it easier to eat. The brand image that the product’s packaging promotes should differentiate it from competitors, which can be difficult when the products are similar. The impact of packaging on retailers influences product placement and sales.

Color Patterns are Eye Catching

Similar types of products will often adopt similar packaging color and design. Black, silver and gold are often used for luxury products. White is a popular color for packaging cleaning products, and lavender can create the feeling of spiritualism to attract buyers of new-age products. Design Force emphasizes the importance of establishing your presence as a company through design. Brands that aim to present an edgy look will often pair bright colors with black, which also implies an appearance of energy and sophistication, according to the Design Force website.

Eco-Friendly Packaging is Critical

Eco-friendly packaging tells your customer base that you care about the environment Packaging can affect the consumer’s experience by keeping the product secure. Using creative design along with recycled and biodegradable materials in product packaging will reinforce consumers' good feelings about the product. The Green Business Bureau discusses that eco-friendly packaging should be recyclable or biodegradable. However, it should be an authentic effort, as poor product packaging could create feelings of distrust in consumers over being “green-washed.”

