What are Conductors?
Conductors are the materials or substances which aliow electrictty to fow through them. The
conduct electricity because they allow elections to frow easily inside them from atom to atom
Also, conductors allow the transmission of heat or light from one sou to another
Metals, humans, earth, and animals are al conductors. This is the reason we ger een stroom
Moreover, the human body is a good opnductor. So it provides a tesistance is path for the
current to fiow from wire to body
Conductors have free electrons on its surface which allow current to pass through the
the reason why conductors are able to conduct electricity
Examples of Conductors
• Material such as silver is the best conductor of electricity Buis costly and so we dont
silver in industries and transmission of electricity
• Copper, Brass, Steel, Gold, and Aluminum are good conductors of election. We use themm
electric circuits and systems in the form of wires.​

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