Below is an example of an essay. Read it then answer the questions that
Tooth decay is one of health problem that affects the health,
appearance and learning process of the school child. The pain of tooth ache
bothers a child no end, causes lack of sleep, loss of teeth, and absence from
school. It is therefore very important for children to develop good health
habits to keep themselves strong, healthy and happy and be able to do his
school work efficiently.


Based on the essay, answer the following questions

1. What is the essay all about?

2. Which topic best fits to the sample essay?

a. The Importance of Good health

b. Good Teeth Gives Good Health

c. The Importance of Good Dental Habits

d. To Be Happy and Strong

3. In what part of the essay can we find the topic sentence?

a. beginning

b. middle

c. ending

4. Which sentence present the viewpoints of the writer?

5. What transition word/phrase is used by the writer to present his

6. Which sentence can be considered Introduction? Body ? Conclusion?

7. How are the supporting details being develop?​

Sagot :


1.)The passage is all about tooth decay health problems in children.

2.) b. Good Teeth Gives Good Health

3.) a. beginning

4.) Tooth decay is one of health problem that affects the health,

Tooth decay is one of health problem that affects the health,appearance and learning process of the school child.

5.) The pain of tooth ache

The pain of tooth achebothers a child no end, causes lack of sleep, loss of teeth, and absence from

The pain of tooth achebothers a child no end, causes lack of sleep, loss of teeth, and absence fromschool.

6.) Body

7.) It is therefore very important for children to develop good health

It is therefore very important for children to develop good healthhabits to keep themselves strong, healthy and happy and be able to do his

It is therefore very important for children to develop good healthhabits to keep themselves strong, healthy and happy and be able to do hisschool work efficiently.
