1. The following is true about music in Southeast Asia, except: А. It is a representation of natural sounds and the sounds of life B. It is used for rituals, ceremonies, courting and entertainment C. It is an expression of thoughts and feelings D. It is for trading and immigration 2. Cambodian people absorbed and adopted other cultures to suit their own traditions and tastes that resulted in a distinct Cambodian culture. These cultures include the following except one: А. Indian B. Chinese C. Latin American D. European
3. A musical scale is called heptatonic when; A It has two tone B. It has four tones C. It has fives tones D. It has seven tones 4. It is used as a soft-sounding instrument and considered as the national instrument in Myanmar. A Piano B. Violin C. PAttala D. Saunggauk 5. The song Loi Loi Gratong/Kratong starts off on the key of А. С B.DC. E DA 6. What is the time signature of the song Burung Kakatua from indonesia? A. 3/4 B. 414 C. 214 D. 2/2 7. Which of the following is a Slendro? 8. What ia a Camboadian musical ensemble or an orchestra that usually accompanies ceremonial music of the royal courts and temples and music is always a part of their court dances, masked plays, shadow plays, and religious ceremonies? A Pinpeat B. Suod C. Chaang D. Rodalla 9. It is a pattern of beats that combines to form musical rhythm A. Melody B. Tempo C. Meter D. Texture 10. One characteristic of a Balinese Gamelan. A Percussion dominated C. Sudden change of tempo and dynamics are the basic characteristic B. Style of playing gives solemn character D. Used for court music