2. what do you think will happen it the estrogen level is low?
A. prevent the further production of FSH
B. increase the productionof FSH
C.maintain the level of production of FSH
D. stop thrproduction FSH

3.which of the following describe follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in the feedback mechanism in female menstrual cycle?
A.it regulates the secretion of hormone.
B.stimulates the ovaries to releas ostrogen
C.stimulates the of luteinizing hormone
D.stimulates the pituitary gland to release hormone.

4. how does progesterone help in the feedback mechanism in female menstrual cycle?
A. stimulates the ovaries to release estrogen.
B.it regulates the secretion of luteinizing hormone.
C.stimulates the pituitary gland to release hormone
D. inhibit the further secretion of luteinizing hormone

5. what could be the possible effect if female hormones will be disrupted?
a. there will be a hormonal imbalance .
b. there will be a development of illness.
c. a female will develope a male characteristics.
d. both B and C