What I Know
Have you tried visiting a clinic or hospital? What are the equipment that
caregivers use to protect them from being infected with the different illnesses? To
determine what you already know in evaluating and controlling hazards and risks.
you need to answer the following questions. Write True, if the statement is correct
and Faise if it is incorrect.

1. Elimination is the best control measure for hazards and risks.

2. Every time a risk assessment is done, details should be recorded.

3. Turn on appliances at the same time to save time and effort on the part
of the caregiver.

4. A mask is still safe to use even if it is wet.
5. Controlling hazards and risks, it means settling on the measure that
will solve the trouble most successfully.

6. Occupational health and safety is the promotion of health and safety
of every working individual.

7. Human wastes should be discarded in the street.

8. Hazards should be controlled to prevent workers from being exposed
to occupational hazards.

9. Engineering control means removing the hazards completely.

10. Hand washing is the first line of defense against the spread of illnesses.​