A. Directions: Read each of the informed opinions. Then, choose the letter that gives the correct
about each one.
1. Reading is the most important subject in school. School principal aims that students
should be independent readers at the end of school year.
A. All subjects are equally important in school.
B. Only Reading can make students successful.
C. Reading and Anthmetic have the same level of importance in school.
D. Reading is not that important as compared with Science.
2. Pupils who attend online classes learn fast than those who take modular distance learnin
A. All the above stands are correct.
B. Both pupils would need to be attentive to the learning modalities they chose to learn fast.
C. Pupils who attend online classes are fast learners.
D. Pupils who take modular distance learning are behind learners.
3. Air conditioning is not a luxury, it to essential to Filipino families.
A. Air conditioning is a luxury to poor families.
B. Air conditioning is essential to privileged family.
C. Air conditioning is not a luxury to those who need it and can afford to have it.
D. Air conditioning is not essential at all.
4. Vitamins are important to protect people from COVID- 19.
A. Only Vitamin C can protect people from COVID-19.
B. Vitamins are not needed by the body.
C. Vitamins can cure COVID-19.
D. Vitamins can improve one's immune system to protect him/her from COVID-19.
5. Most Filipinos get infected with coronavirus because they do not observe health protocols.
A. Observing health protocols is the only way to avoid corona virus.
B. Observing health protocols may help people to avoid corona virus.
C. People who get infected with coronavirus need not to observe health protocols
D. People who observe health protocols will not get infected with corona virus.​