agriculture during pandemic​

Sagot :


Q&A: COVID-19 pandemic – impact on food and agriculture

Q1: Will COVID-19 have negative impacts on global food security?

Q2: Whose food security and livelihoods are most at risk due to the pandemic?

Q3: What are the implications of the COVID-19 situation – now and in the future – for food production, agricultural and fishery/aquaculture supply chains and markets?

Q4: How will the pandemic affect food production and demand globally (especially of major food commodities)?

Q5: How is the pandemic affecting or will affect food prices?

Q6: What is the pandemic’s impact on the global economy?

Q7: What are FAO’s recommendations to mitigate the risks of the pandemic on food security and nutrition?

Q8: How should we support farmers and farmer organisations in the next months to protect them and prevent the health crisis becoming a food crisis?

Q9: How has FAO responded to the COVID-19 outbreak?

Q10: What steps is FAO taking to protect its staff and to ensure that it will be able to continue to deliver on its mandate of fighting hunger?

Q11: What opportunities are there post COVID-19 to re-orient food systems? What are the lessons learnt from the pandemic?

Q12: What role could major international food companies haves in addressing the impending lack of access to food in low-to-middle-income countries?

Q13: Will countries move towards policies that reduce their dependence on imports as a measure to improve their capacity to respond to eventual future crisis?


pa report nalang po pag mali pa heart nalang po pagtama salamat po peace