Read the questions carcfully. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number
1. Which kind of force opposes motion between two surfaces sticking or touching together?
A. Gravity B. Electric C. Magnetic D. Friction
2. it is a pusli o pull thai siauts, siups us viatges the discution of an objet
1. Votion B Energy C. Force D. Food
3. Friction is a force that opposes motion. It acts in the direction of a moving object
A opposite B. same C. upward D. downward
4. Which has the greatest friction among these kinds of surfaces?
A Polished floor
B. Sandy floor C. Wet floor
D. Tiled floor
5. Which activities are suited to be performed in a smooth surface or floor?
A. Plaving soccer football and baseball C. Plaving tug of war and hide and seek
B. Ballet dancing and roller skating D. Applying lubricant on it like oil or wax
6. It is produced when an object rolls over a surface.
A Fluid friction B. Rolling friction C. Sliding friction
D Static friction
7. Which is an example of an object that can produce rolling friction when roll over a surface?
d ball
B. cabinet
C. shoe box
D. table
8. Which of the following has rolling friction?
A. Ball rolling on the ground C. Flower vase on top of the table
B. Rubbing your hands
D. Playing on slides
9. What is sliding friction?
A. It occurs between two surfaces that come in contact with each other.
B. It occurs in stationary objects or objects at rest.
C. It occurs beiween moving objecis and a liquid or beiween an objeci moving in the air
D. It opposes the motion of the wheel turning along a surface.
10. Which type of friction opposes the sliding of objects over a surface?
A. Static Friction
C. Fluid Friction
B. Sliding Friction
D. Rolling Friction​