Sagot :
Paleolithic literally means “Old Stone [Age],” but the Paleolithic era more generally refers to a time in human history when foraging, hunting, and fishing were the primary means of obtaining food.
>>>Why is paleoethic age is very important to our history?
>>>Paleoethic Age
- Because thanks to the contribution of our ancestors in the paleoethic age, we have a the fire to cook the food, to protect ourselves from the low temperature of the winter or cold days and many more usages. Because of their discoveries of the first technology they survive,hunt and protect themselves from the intense environment in the wild and because of this discoveries, our ancestors keep improving their technology until they reach new ages.
Note: The picture only contains the discoveries of fire and stones in the paleoethic ages.
- Mesolithic ages just like neolithic and paleoethic ages that has alot of contribution in the history when the paleoethic ages ends because they started to live near in the river or a shore as a fishermen and started to take care of the animals, and started to have a civilization or simple town by planting rice and many more.
- Neolithic ages is the time when the paleoethic and mesolithic ages ends and they have alot of contribution to our history too because they are starting to improve our agriculture, technology and started to discover metal and many more , that make's it the last way of the stone age to ends.