2.self confidence
3.hard working
8.profit oriental
10.decission making

A.Habitual working diligently for a long period of time.
B.accepts full responsibility for everything in his business.
C.entrepreneur always stick to the plan.
D.the business can generate income.
E.a person who handle or manage a small business.
F.the ability to think quickly and make a wise decision.
G.believe on ones ability and own judgement.
H.an edge over there competitors.
L.a strategic thinking and setting of goals to achieve.
J.are important characteristics that should be possessed by an individual to perform entreprenurial.

hope someone answer this​

Sagot :


1. Entrepreneur, E.

A person who handle or manage a small business.

2. Self-confidence, G.

believe on ones ability and own judgement.

3. Hard working, A.

Habitual working diligently for a long period of time.

4. Committed, B.

Accepts full responsibility for everything in his business.

5. Entrepreneurial, J.

are important characteristics that should be possessed by an individual to perform entrepreneurial.

6. Discipline, C.

Entrepreneur always stick to the plan.

7. Planning, L.

A strategic thinking and setting of goals to achieve.

8. Profit material, D.

The business can generate income.

9. Creative, H.

An edge over there competitors.

10. Decision making, F.

The ability to think quickly and make a wise decision.