Activity 2:
Read the excerpt from a personal blog and answer the following questions. WRITE YOUR
COVID-19: Time to strengthen faith in God
Jun 18.2020 by Jennibeth Sabay
I fight loneliness by doing things that I like to do -
singing the songs close to my heart. Thisten to inspiring, uplifting talks or music,
playing the guitar and
sit in silence and meditate.
I think of happy experiences and recall stories about people I love. I connect
with people in and out of community, sending inspiring group messages to
young people. Above all, it is my heart-to-heart talk, sharing and spending time
with God in prayer that soothes my lonely heart
It is the time to serve the Lord. Seeing how the people show their generosity,
support, help, perform charitable service, and show their love for others. I can
see the real church church that is concerned with others in need: the church
that prays for one another.
With technology, people are joining the online Masses. Some prepare an aitar
with candles and put on the livestreaming of the Mass. Others even dress up
with Sunday's best clothes in their homes as they participate in online live
Mass. I can see that people value the Mass. But I can feel their longing in their
jhearts to be in God's presence inside the church with the bigger family of God.
I think this pandemic is strengthening the faith of the people. It is bringing them
closer to God. It brings out the love of God in them. This crisis shall pass
1. It is clear from the blog that the author is

A. humble B. optimistic C. vain D. faithful
2. What kind of experiences does she recall during this time of crisis?
A sad
B. broad C.joyful D. unpleasant
3. According to the blog, to what did the author compare the generosity of the
people during those time?
A music B. experiences C. church
D. people
4. How did the author address her loneliness in times of trouble?
A talk to others B. tell stories C. tell stories D. spend time praying
5. What is the purpose of the blog?
a. to inspire
b. to inform
c. to express d. to entertain​