2. Your school normally solicits "abuloy" from students whenever a member of the studentry or his/her immediate relative passes on. At this particular moment, you have P40.00 - as your "baon"/ allowance. Usually, you spend half of it in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. Which value or character then is demanded of you at this particular situation? A. discipline B. hard work C. perseverance D. self-sacrifice 3. Your tricycle-driver father lost his job during the pandemic because during the ECO, public transport was not allowed. Providing the family with their basic needs is really difficult at this point. What should Father have in order to sustain the family's needs? A. care B. loyalty C. patience D. resourcefulness 4. You are lining up in a fast food chain for your orders. It was almost 12:00 noon and you feel that your stomach is grumbling. But at an unintended glance at the back, you saw a senior citizen also patiently queuing (there is no senior citizen express lane in the restaurant). To give way to the senior citizen, which value are you going to show? A. awareness B. cleanliness C. concern D. hard work 5. It is your day of worship but your friends are inviting you to a swimming par because you have former classmates who have returned town. Whic character/value should prevail in you at this particular situation? A. loyalty B. humility C. sensitivity D. faithfulness to the Lord