Matching Type
Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B.
Column A
Column B
1. (-6)(9)
2. (2x)(-13x)
a 70xy?
b. 32a\ry+
3. (7x)(10xy3)
C 60"bc
4. (7ab)(-3a'b)
d. 26X2
5. (-40%)(-8xy*)
e -21a*b*
6. (6mn")(10m)
f. -50a"**y*25
g. -54%
7. (-5x*y>z5)(10a?)
8. (-6m1p5)(-6mn)
9. a) (8ab)
10. (1.5pq?)(8p?q?)
h 60min
i. 12p'q
1. 36m'in?ps
sana po masagutan pless po​