What health center service offers pre-natal, natal, and post-natal check-up?
a. nutrition program
b. maternal health care
2. What program offers tooth extraction? a. nutrition program
b. maternal health care
c. dental health care
d. reproductive health care
c. dental health care
d. reproductive health care
3. It promotes healthy living, helps prevent chronic diseases and brings the greatest health benefits to the greatest number of people in need.
a. medical staff c. nutrition program
b. health resources d. none of the above
4. Which of the following sentence is true?
a. The health center has a team of doctors, nurses, dentists, and medical staff.
b. Community health is a medical specialty that focuses only the physical well-being.
c. Health center helps decrease access to crucial primary care by reducing barriers such
as cost, lack of insurance, distance, and language for their patients.
d. Health center doesn’t provide basic health services to members of the community.
5. What community health center service offers free family planning?
a. community health resources c. child health care
b. nutrition program d. Population and Family Planning Program
6. Which of the following program caters TB DOTS?
a. Tuberculosis control program c. Blood pressure screening b. Inspection of food establishments d. Immunization
7. Which of the following is NOT a service offered by the community health? a. deworming c. communicable disease control b. dental health d. family planning
8. A non-communicable disease means _____________.
a. transmissible b. catching c. infectious d. noncontagious
9. What service has a function of Operation Timbang and Food Supplementation?
a. Maternal Health Care c. Nutrition Program
b. Child Health Care d. Population and Family Planning Program
10. What service has a function of Counseling on family planning and RH?
a. Environmental Sanitation Program c. Dental Health Program
b. Control on non-communicable diseases d. Reproductive Health Care

Sagot :




3.b or c

4 .a


6.i don't know sorry

7.d but I'm not sure

8.c but I'm not sure


10.i don't know sorry


hope it helps✨