B. Exercises
Exercise 1
Directions: Read and analyze the questions that follow then answer
1. How long does a regular menstrual cycle last?
2. Describe what happens to an egg during the first 14 days of the cycle.
3. What are the possible symptoms during the ovulation phase?
4. What are the hormones involved in the menstrual cycle?
5. Why is it important to study the menstrual cycle?
Exercise 2
Directions: Determine whether the statements that follow is a fact or a m
regarding the menstruation. Write FACT if it is true and write MYTH if it is untr
Support your answer.
Example: "Period lasts for exactly one week".
MYTH- The 28 days cycle is an average marker and not set in stone. No one
perfect and therefore; the menstruation cycle is also not accurate. Women ha
dar periods for various reasons.​