Instructions: Read the paragraph on online leaming and traditional learning environments. Classity the given paragraph enclosed in rectangle according to the patter of written texts (Narrative, Descriptive. Definition, Example, or Comparison). Using 2-3 sentences in bullet form, explain the reason for the classification of the paragraph. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. You may get 10 points for this activity, which is divided into 5 points for correctly identifying the paragraph and another 5 points for the justification given.
This time of the pandemic, online learning is used as one of the modes of learning delivery. Just like traditional leaming, online leaming also requires a great amount of work Both emphasize giving and receiving feedback from students and teachers and that they both have to manage their time wisely to accomplish their tasks related to the teaching- leaming process. Moreover, the challenges and rewards are the same in each environment. However, online leaming includes both synchronous and asynchronous leaming. Students need an intemet connection to submit the activities. In the traditional classroom, students use paper and pen to complete the given tasks. Students' voices and raising of hands are also observed by the teachers during recitations. Given the analogy between the two, it is emphasized that education is very possible despite all circumstances that may happen and that the quality of education will not be sacrificed.