17. John didn't know what to take to take to school for Show and tell. He asked his mother for an
idea. She suggested taking the ribbon his dog won at the pet parade.
A. Cause & Effect B. Comparison & Contrast C. Problem & Solution D. Sequence
Two drums which are important in bands or orchestras are the snare drum and the boss
drum. Both drums are made of wood and calfskin. They are played with two sticks. However, sor
of their differences lie in their shape and kinds of sticks used to beat them. The snare drum has a
cylindrical shape and is made of wood or brass covered at each end with tightly stretched
calfskin, the side on which the player beats is called the "batter head" and the lower side the
"snare head". The bass drum on the other hand, is made of wooden shell covered with calfskin
which can be tightened by metal rods, The sticks used with the snare drum are rather thin with
small wooden heads, while those used to play the bass drum are heavy with large heads made
felt or lambs' wool.
A. Cause & Effect B. Comparison & Contrast C. Problem & Solution D. Description
19. Mrs. Ramos is my teacher in Mathematics and she is funny teacher while Mrs. Padua is my
teacher in EPP and she is a serious type of person. Although they differ from one another, I love
them both.
A. Cause & Effect B. Comparison & Contrast C. Problem & Solution D. Sequence
20. Even though it is great to have friends, it is much better to have family. You might not be able
choose who they are, but you certainly can rely on them to be there and help you out whenever
you need it.
A. Cause & Effect
B. Comparison & Contrast C. Problem & Solution D. Sequence​

NAM17 John Didnt Know What To Take To Take To School For Show And Tell He Asked His Mother For Anidea She Suggested Taking The Ribbon His Dog Won At The Pet Par class=