Picture 1: Your mind is like a factory. The ingredients you are putting into it will be used to make the final product.
- The ingredients represents the knowledge that you have acknowledged or accepted and your mind is the one that cooks all of it or rather processes it. After those knowledge have been processed it produces a command, which is the product to make the body act in a certain way. To put it in other way, whatever teachings or concept you accept, you reflect it with your actions and those actions will have consequences that will define your future life.
Picture 2: Think before you say something.
- It is better to restrain your mouth to spill a word for you might not know what consequences it would give both to you and the receiver or listener. A consequence might harm anyone without you knowing it. Remember, not only weapons nor beings can inflict harm but also words. Words can give harm on someone either emotionally or physically. Thus, you have to be careful by being mindful of the surroundings and to the person that you are talking to.
Picture 3: Your current behavior will be reflected in your future life.
- If your current behavior is not appropriate then perhaps, this would go on until you grow up, in other words, this behavior will be brought up until you come of age, not unless you change the way you behave. It is best to change your bad behavior while you are still growing up so that when the future comes, you will not regret anything.
Picture 4: Never judge someone without knowing the whole story.
- It is easy to judge at something or someone just by looking at it however, doing it without any background knowledge of it, doesn't makes us a good person nor gives us the right to do it for we do not know what we are talking about. We are just accepting what we are seeing on the surface. Frankly, we are letting ourselves become ignorant. Ignorance prevents us from understanding one another. Hence, one should be understanding to others because we do not know how has it been for others.