which gland of the endocrine controls the other glands in the body brainly

Sagot :

The pituitary gland or the hypophysis is considered to be the master of all glands. Pituitary gland is responsible for releasing hormones that begins during puberty. The pituitary gland is divided in to two divisions— the anterior lobe and the posterior lobe. Most of the pituitary secretions are controlled by the hypothalamus.


  • this lobe produces hormones that is necessary for puberty.
  • it secretes growth hormones (GH) that stimulates the body to increase in size and undergo an increased rate of reproduction.
  • secretes prolactin that promotes breast development and triggers milk production.
  • It also produce Thyroid -stimulating hormone(TSH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and lutenizing hormone (LH).

Posterior Pituitary Lobe

  • the lobe that consists neurological cells and nerve fibers.
  • it produces Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) that balances the water in the kidney.
  • it secretes oxytoxin that can cause muscles in the uterine wall to contract. It's also associated with the production of milk.

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