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Answer & Explanation:
In boys, the adolescent growth spurt is controlled by... The greatest amount of height and weight gain. Adolescence is a time of rapid growth and puberty. A teen may gain several inches in a few months, followed by a period of very slow growth. They may then experience another growth spurt. Puberty-related changes can be gradual. Alternatively, several changes may occur at the same time. Hormonal changes are responsible for sexual and other physical maturation that occurs during puberty. There are changes that occur, but they occur gradually over time rather than as a single event. The enlargement of the scrotum and testes is the first puberty change. The penis does not enlarge at this point.
- The penis grows in tandem with the testes and scrotum.
- The first pubic hair growth produces long, soft hair that only grows in a small area around the genitals.
- As the hair grows longer and darker, it becomes coarser and coarser.
- The Pubic hair eventually resembles adult hair, albeit in a smaller area.
- It may spread to the thighs and, on rare occasions, up the stomach.
- The size of your body will grow. The feet, arms, legs, and hands may grow faster than the rest of the body at times. This can make a teen feel clumsy.
- Some boys may experience breast swelling. This is due to the hormonal changes that are taking place. This is common in adolescent boys and is usually a short-term or temporary condition. If this is a concern for you, speak with your son's healthcare provider.
- As the voice becomes deeper, it may undergo changes. During this time, the voice may "crack." This is a temporary condition that will resolve itself over time.
- In the genital area, hair will begin to grow. Boys will also experience hair growth on their faces, underarms, and legs.
- Teens may experience oily skin and excessive sweating as their puberty hormones rise. This is a normal part of development. It is critical to wash your face every day. Acne may form.
- As the penis grows in size, the adolescent boy may develop erections. Because the penis is filled with blood, it becomes hard and erect. This is caused by hormonal changes and can occur when the boy fantasizes about sexual things. It could also happen for no apparent reason. This is completely normal.
- During puberty, a boy's body begins to produce sperm. During an erection, semen, which is composed of sperm and other bodily fluids, may be released.